Thursday, September 20, 2007

Comps....Good or bad?

   As it is stated in "Computers and Technology," computers may be an important new tool for education at all levels.  However, can these computers fully replace human teachers?  This article believes that regardless of the new technology, a living, breathing person will still be a necessity.  Computers are looked at in a positive light, in that they are able to present information in a manner that is more interesting to the average student than black and white textbooks.  However, Computers do offer a bit of a distraction, as well as a simplistic tool for plagiarism.  We must also consider the aspect of big business.  Though computer companies will be brimming with joy at such a shift, companies involved with traditional school supplies such as books, pens and notebooks will note enjoy the loss of business.
   I cannot say I would not love to replace all forms of reading and writing with this beautiful little device I'm typing on right now, but I will honestly admit that I will be OH SO tempted to have my attention stray from the subject at hand and right into my e-mail.  I would say that it is definitely a feasible possibility, so long as certain restrictions are placed,
to keep the crafty people like me from gazing off into internet games or other complete wastes of


KaldariaQ said...

you can lock computers so they cant do anything other than what your supposed to be doing...however iv found people get more distracted trying to out smart the techies trying to break it rather than focusing.

ANYWAY, good summary, but I really dont think anyone is worried that computers will relapce humans...the point of the articles was to say that humand need to USE computers more efficantly.

broknheadlite182 said...

Wario is overrated.