Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Sorry, I swear in this. So sue me, FCC

So I decided, instead of writing the video script, to just start typing here. Problem is, it’ll look like I did nothing up to this point. EWveryone will have pages and pages of stuff that they took care of doing nothing with, and I will have accomplished nothing. I look to my left, and I see Juliet has outdone me immensely in her essentially bitching about her life. Something about her dance class, her boyfriend and Christmas….which, come to think about it, I should count my blessings that I’m single this holiday season…I mean, Christmas…..I mean, Jesus’ Birthday….that I’m single. I hate having to deal with gifts, and whenever I give a gift, it’s always way better than the gift I receive. I don’t particularly care for the fact that a simple necklace can cost upwards of a couple hundred bucks, when a next-gen video game console costs about the same, but that is just ridiculous, right? Pfft. I duno, maybe this whole dating needs to be dealt with some other time. I need to reorganize parts of my life first, which I have done. Maybe I’ve been so self-analytical because I have had so little interest in flirting, which is very much unlike myself. I just no longer have the desire to deal with the same shit with girls like I used to. But hell, what are you gonna do. I don’t like feeling like I can’t trust women but at this point in my life, I take everything a woman says to me with a grain of salt. And holy FUCK Jameela wrote like a page…SHEESH! That girl is insane. Then again, if I went on like that without doing the other things I was doingm, I could have managed that. Jameela Is an interesting name. what is that? I can’t place a nationality. DAMMIT I’m hungry.

His play is coming up TOMORROW and GODDAMMIT if Aleya doesn’t learn her fucking lines, I’m gonna throw shit on stage. For GOD’S sake she keeps fucking up her lines and she continues to just stop talking in the MIDDLE OF HER GODDAMN LINE!!! I cover for her at least 4 times throughout the show, she better get her shit together by…shit, today. Wher is Tyler? He’s gonna fail this class if he keeps missing class. Yeah, I ought to do my Chile project and do this research paper. I hate doing research papers. They’re the least creative, least interesting form of writing, and essentially state a point that people will have already agreed with, or naysayers will dismiss. Pointless as all bloody hell, but what can you do. Yeah, Juliet is just staring at my screen and wondering what’s wrong with me. I’m hungry. I’m REALLY hungry. I need more salami in my dorm. I need a massage. I need to go back to bed. This research paper is so FREAKIN’ pointless. I have to bullshit and bullshit just to make it 6-8 pages. It’s a paper I could argue for, at the MOST, 5-10 minutes orally. It’s fucking ridiculous.

There. Enough of this. I got shit to do.

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