Monday, October 15, 2007

My goodness, whatever shall be research?

What place should "creationism" have in the public education system? (It should be included as another concept to the beginnings of the Earth, along with evolution and many others...I've always felt shortchanged on this. There are so many possible ways to explain the beginning of time, and only a few have been properly explained) {this affects every student and teacher, kind of a big deal}

Are American Indians being treated fairly in the 1990s? (Lord no. If anyone deserves reperations for mistreatment in the past, it's the American Indians...wait, Native Americans. That's something that bugs me. They aren't Indians. That spawned from Columbus' time when he thought America was India, and called the natives Indians. Centuries later, we STILL call them Indians! How freakin' ignorant are we?) {The Native Americans might like this, eh?}

Should English be declared the official language of the United States? (Yes. Our ancestors were English speakers, our government is based on English, it is the most widely spoken language in the U.S. So yes, to say another language is a possible official language would be like me going to some foreign country and forcing them to speak English.) {I'll get a lot of non-English speakers really mad...if they can read the essay}

To what extent should bilingual education be offered in public schools? (I like the concept, but for God's sakes, if you're gonna teach it, teach it early on in a child's life! It's so hard to retain lingual information at this age, had I been taught Spanish starting at age 8 or 9, I might have been decent at the language.) {more teaching stuff. Students and teachers would be interested}

Should pornography be restricted by law? (No, no it shouldn't.) {I think this demographic goes without saying}


Jameela said...

The topic about english being declared the official language will definitely stir up some controversy. I know there's lots of talk about it now, so it would be a good topic to research.

Musicsmything said...

I found your question about English as our official language interesting. Seeing as English is one of the official Languages of the WORLD,(It was declared by the UN and shares that spot with French) Wouldn't it be a little bit redundant to make it the official language of our country?

KaldariaQ said...

english as a the offical langue is a good one. and the first topic as well. the Intelleget design think..although thats just kinda common sence, and would be said if we had to reserch it to say that intelleget design is utterly pathetic. lol porn being restirced. thats not even possible. Everyone would find a way to get around such a silly law. Watch the crime rate SOAR if you did that.

Juliet F said...

I like the first topic. I think it would be very interesting to study

And Anthony,
enough with the porn subjects :D

Kim said...

I actually attempted to do a research paper on your first topic and found it rather hard to find a good amount of information.

Anonymous said...

I really like the topic on Bilingual education. I think this is becoming more and more of an issue every day. With the whole immigration debate also at hand and with all of these new people coming into our country every day I think this is an extremely important issue. With this your also going to get a lot of information that has to do with our current lives and the prospective future. Be careful not to offend anyone, but I believe you could make a mighty fine paper here.

Salim Mohammed said...

The topic are pretty too general. There are a lot of classification of communities with their language and culture differences. I think your essay will get biased. Meantime, there are different regions, northeast, northwest, southwest, southeast, and midwest, that made different approach to english issues. Check it out.

broknheadlite182 said...

I really like your topics, especially English as the official language. Oh, and have fun porning.

Susan said...

Hey Anthony!

I'm going to agree with several other people on this one and I think you're topic on English being declared the official language shows most promise. But here's a question to consider ... why should America have an official language in the first place?

kate's cat eats cake said...

i really think you should do the pornography topic.
hip hip hurray for making your readers uncomfortable!