Friday, September 21, 2007

In both Stoll's and Ohmann's article, The author's believe that computers cannot, and will not, replace teachers int he education world.

Good side:
-Comps allow unlimited access to information
-They offer exciting ways to learn

Bad Side:

-Very easy to plagiarize
-Easy to get distracted

Thesis: With certain restrictions, the education system can definitely benefit from computer's involvement.

The two articles touch on the same ideas, but Ohmann's article tends to mention the business aspect of the computer shift more so, while Stoll is more looking at the future of this shift as far as how it will affect the classroom.

The two of them seem to say that the computer age in education is upon us, and we should be able to handle it.


Leona said...

I agree with your thesis, "With certain restrictions, the education system can definitely benefit from computer's involvement." However, it might be better to use "with proper usage" or something along those lines instead of restrictions.

Anonymous said...

I like the simplicity of your outline. You clearly get out the pros and cons of both arguements. Your thesis again, simple but gets out the point.

Megan said...

Nice outline. I think your paper will turn out nicely if you follow it. I like the thesis, but I agree with Leona's suggestion.

Musicsmything said...

"with Certain restrictions" By using a phrase like that, will you go on to talk about Internet censorship in the classroom? (ie. Gaming sites)

You have some good points, the above mentioned phrase is pretty vague.

broknheadlite182 said...

Do you have a fork?