Dr. Phil Blames Video Games for Virginia Tech Shooting
First and foremost, I think it's important you know that I have believed, for quite some time now, that Dr. Phil is a schmuck.
As much as I do what I can to give everyone a break, I couldn't help but roll my eyes so far back in my head that it strained my optic nerves. Yet again, the media is taking a horrible situation and twisted it to further their own agenda. Dr. Phil believed that it was the V-Tech shooter's video game play that was the catalyst in this massacre. He believes that "if these kids are playing video games, where they’re on a mass killing spree in a video game, it’s glamorized on the big screen, it’s become part of the fiber of our society." He is associating the act of a single kid, who obviously had a few bolts in his head not quite screwed in tight enough, with the video gaming youth.
In response to this mind-numbing droll, blogger aniki21 replied with a very similar response as the one I declared. "Of course, rather than trying to address the problems of why they’re a sociopath or trying to help others with similar mental illnesses, it’s [e]asier to just pin the blame on the entertainment." Hey goes on to say that it wasn't video games that were truly the problem, it was the fact that the youth in question was, and I quote, "a f**king psychopath."
Come on, America. We're a little brighter than that. Yes, I'll admit violent people are prone to violent video games. However, pacifists can be attracted to them for completely opposite reasons. Video games offer the opportunity to release tension and strong emotion in a safe, controlled environment.
And hey, why didn't Dr. Phil mention anything about gun control? Gee whiz, even if it truly was video game's fault, he still was able to purchase a gun with which to kill these innocent people, correct? Hmmm... a bit selective with where we point the finger, aren't we Dr. Phil?
Trust me, America, there will be plenty more of this culture for me to rip on.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
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I must say I whole heartedly agree.
Gun control is a major issue that has been neglected for far to long. Violent video games if anything DECREASE the amount of violcnce as a way of getting it out of your system.
When my dad was little he played with army men. Now we play video games. The same basic human agression is always there, video games are just a new way of releasing it.
Btw, Dr Phil if your frontal lobe of your brain is damaged you would be FAR more likly to commit a simlar crime, games have little to do with it.
I would agree with your vision on the I Say as well as the one given by aniki21. It seems as if Dr. Phil does not wish to look further into the problem but make up a false excuse inorder to make people feel like they can help prevent this from happening again but trying to prevent individuals from play video games.
I think this was a good example to show a "they say" "I say".
dr. phil can eat it. i don't understand how these so called psychologists are accusing video games of being the cause of violence. honestly? there is something wrong with these people. video games don't make them crazy. I play video games; i love video games. I play grand theft auto for hours and then go outside and miraculously don't have the urge to run over some old woman with my car. I'll admit, for a second I think about how much money they would have if i used the cheat code to get a billy club and rob them... but thats only for a second. thats the same concept as walking on a treadmill, and then feeling like you're moving at lightning speed when you walk on real ground.
so, they're crazies, and they play video games. so what?
I must say that this blog is one of the more interesting ones on this site. Dr. Phil, who before I thought was a little more ‘down to earth’ type of guy, seems completely crazy by insisting that video games are the problem with violence. I agree that video games can be a safe and reasonable way to relieve stress and anger. I think that we need to address the problem, not blame it on ‘violent’ video games. If people cannot make the distinction between video game appropriate, and real life appropriate, they have serious problems.
This article showing the point that Dr.Phil made jump conclusion on the behavior of game player, who play the video games. Dr. Phil was saying negative view on the video games. On the other hand, the students used the video games to chill during their break.
The "They say" in this article is ridiculous. Dr. Phil should know that video games and violence have little to do with each other and are just a coincidental correlation. Many murders are not video game enthusiasts, whereas, many murders do have similar home lives or similar brain damage.
There are a lot of other people that think that violent video games are a horrible pleasure for the the human psyche (not me), although I really like the real point that you brought up, gun control.
How in the world do people who arent mentally sound get a hold of a gun
As Kate said, I love to play Grand Theft Auto as well. I haven't Mugged any old ladies either.
It's not the fault of the game. To use Clark's example, Army men versus Video Games. One major difference between us and our parent's generation is that you had a hard time playing with Army Men alone. There needed to be other kids so you could have ... well, an army with which we can wage war.
Now, there are millions of army men who are regenerated with every press of the reset button. The huge difference is that kids can play video games by themselves for hours and hours on end. Maybe the problem is the detachment from society, and the lack of social attention.
Hey, musicsmything-
I like the point your made. It's very much true. Antisocial tendencies due to lack of social attachment can be due to overplaying video games. It's everything in moderation. Too much exercise, too much fruit and vegetables, it's all bad.
Everything in moderation, makes perfect sense
I agree to the point I don't believe video games were the cause of his actions. I do disagree at the fact your trying to put the blame on gun control. For one, if you want something bad enough or need something bad enough, you will get it. Secondly, I know how overused this quote is but even still, "Gun's don't kill people, people kill people". Just like "Video Games don't kill people, people kill people". It has to do with being insane, or having some high level of revenge, mixed with insanity.
I bet Dr. Phil dose not even PLAY video games. This is the same type of annyoing BS that gamers get from the rating groups, yes the groups of people that put the T for Teen or M for mature on games, I bet THEY dont play video games EITHER. Gamers should rate the games, not pencil pushers, or fake phycologists like Dr. Pill. (yes that was intentional.)
I agree with Clark. Most people that make judgments on important articles are ill-informed or have no personal experience with the topic on hand. It's unfair to argue about a topic when the information is skewed or biased.
Salad is overrated. YOU'RE OVERRATED.
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